The Responder is a British police procedural drama series released on BBC One. The show’s primary cast consists of Martin Freeman, Adelayo Adedayo, Ian Hart, and MyAnna Buring; all four actors play police officers based in Liverpool.
This series, set on Merseyside, is created by former Merseyside Police officer Tony Schumacher and written by former Merseyside Police officer Tony Schumacher.
It was shown on BBC One for the first time on January 24, 2022. According to the sources, season two of the show has been confirmed by BBC, but no official release date has been announced.
How to watch The Responder (2022) in Canada & US for Free
The Responder (2022) is a British show which is streaming on BBC iPlayer in the UK. If you wish to watch Responder (2022) in USA and Canada, then follow these steps:
- Get ExpressVPN for BBC iPlayer (12+3 month free special deal)
- Download the VPN app on your preferred device
- Select a British IP address from the country list
- Now open on your browser
- Search Responder (2022) on iPlayer from the United States
- Enjoy the series
How to get a BBC iPlayer account in the US & Canada
Sadly, BBC iPlayer is only available in the United Kingdom, but that doesn’t mean you can not use it from the United States or Canada. Follow the following steps to watch Responder (2022) on BBC from Canada and USA:
- Get ExpressVPN for BBC iPlayer (30-day money-back guarantee)
- Connect to a British IP address (UK – Dockland)
- Open in your browser or click here
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Responder (2022)- Trailer
The Responder (2022)–Plot & Synopsis
Christopher Carson is a police officer in a fictional constabulary covering Liverpool. He’s been demoted from his position as an inspector and undertakes a series of night shifts in central Liverpool.
His work scenes are interspersed with therapy sessions, at home with his mother in a nursing home, and time with his girlfriend Rachel Hargreaves, an inexperienced and idealistic officer who tries to go with it by the rules.
Casey is a mid-level drug dealer whose drug stash was purloined by one of the local “bagheads.” Chris is struggling with drug addiction and guilt over his childhood abuse, which has made him a violent man whose loyalties are divided.
An inspector in the police, who is under investigation for bribery, is demoted to the officer. He and his family are suffering from the effects of his job and his mental state.
The Responder (2022)– Ratings
The series has received acclaim from critics. According to aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, it has a perfect score of 100 percent and an average rating of 7.5/10 on IMDb. According to the reviewers’ agreement, “The series is unrelentingly bleak and inescapably fascinating with Martin Freeman’s hangdog performance bringing the story to its logical conclusion.”
The Responder (2022)- Cast
- Martin Freeman as Chris Carson
- Adelayo Adedayo as Rachel Hargreaves
- Warren Brown as Raymond Mullen
- MyAnna Buring as Kate Carson
- Emily Fairn as Casey
- Josh Finan as Marco
- Philip S. McGuinness as Ian
- Mark Womack as Barry
- Ian Hart as Carl Sweeney
- Rita Tushingham as June Carson
- Philip Barantini as Steve
- David Bradley as Davey
- Kerrie Hayes as Ellie Mullen
- Faye McKeever as Jodie Sweeney
- Philip Whitchurch as Joe
- Christine Tremarco as Dr. Diane Gallagher
- Amaka Okafor as DI Deborah Barnes
- James Nelson-Joyce as Greg Gallagher
- Elizabeth Berrington as Lynne Renfrew
- Victor McGuire as Trevor
- Dominic Carter as Sgt Bernie Wilson
- Matthew Cottle as Father Liam Neeson
- Dave Hill as Billy
- Sylvie Gatrill as Mary
- Sonny Walker as Stevo Marsh
- James Ledsham as Enno
- Connor Dempsey as Kyle
- David Ayres as Andy
- Kieron Urquhart as Paul
- Harry Burke as Liam
What Else Can You Watch On BBC iPlayer?
BBC is ranked one of the world’s oldest and most honored content producers in the world. Following are some movies and tv shows you should check out on BBC:
- Hidden(2018)
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- Time
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- The Pursuit of Love
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