Prime suspect is a British police procedural drama series that aired on ITV for the first time on April 7, 1991. The show has seven seasons and a total of fifteen episodes. The last episode of the seventh season aired on October 22, 2006, making it one of the longest-running TV shows ever. The show did not have a consistent director, and the directors kept changing with different seasons. The cast includes Helen Mirren, John Benfield, Tom Bell, Richard Hawley, and others. If you are wondering where to watch Prime suspect online then read on.
How to watch Prime suspect (1991) in the US | Watch Prime suspect on ITV for Free
Prime suspect is available on ITV in the UK for free, all you need is an ITV account to watch Prime suspect online. If you are residing in the US, Canada or any other country outside the UK then follow these steps:
- Get ExpressVPN for ITV ($6.67/mo with a 30day money-back guarantee)
- Download the VPN app on your preferred device
- Select a British IP address from the list
- Now open on your browser
- Search Prime suspect on ITV from the US and Canada
- Enjoy the show.
Where else can you watch Prime suspect online?
Prime suspect is streaming on a number of VOD platforms, some of which are listed below:
- In the US, you can watch Prime suspect on ITV (with a VPN), and BritBox.
- In Canada, the crime series is available on Hollywood Suit and BritBox.
- In the UK, you can stream Prime suspect on ITV and BritBox.
- In Australia, the series is available only on BritBox.
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Prime suspect (1991)- Trailer
Prime suspect (1991)- Plot
When the colleague of Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison suffered from a heart failure that almost took his life, DCI Jane was assigned to investigate the murder of Delia Mornay, who was a young prostitute.
The case was very delicate and challenging to solve as she determined that there is very little or almost no evidence to prove that it was committed by the man she thinks did it, who was also the main suspect in this case and an ex-convict. Meanwhile, Jane also feels that her department is angry and unhappy working with her as the male workers in the department feel ashamed to be working under a woman.
After a few times, a second body is also found, which complicates the case even more and involves details that date back to 10 years from the present time, and as the case becomes more and more complicated, it requires more time from Jane.
Prime suspect (1991)- Ratings
The show has been loved in Britain and other parts of the world as it became very famous due to its engaging plot. The show’s greatness can be measured by observing the ratings. On IMDb, it got 8.3 out of 10 and a perfect score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Wrap Up
Prime suspect is a crime-mystry-solving series with seven seasons. if you are into crime dramas then this series will be a treat for your eyes. Watch Prime suspect on ITV from the US and Canada with ExpressVPN. We have tested ExpressVPN with BBC iPlayer in USA and ITV, it worked perfectly with astonishing streaming speed, therefore we highly recommend you to get ExpressVPN and stream your favorite movies and TV shows online.