Scrat, the beloved and ill-fated squirrel from the popular Ice Age franchise, is back with yet another series of adventures in Ice Age: Scrat Tales – a comedy animation series that will leave you clutching your stomach as you wipe the tears of laughter. If you are here to find out where to watch Ice Age: Scrat Tales in South Africa then read on.
Ice Age: Scrat Tales consists of six animated shorts that tell the story of everyone’s favorite saber-toothed critter as he struggles to get his little hands on the prized Acorn while bonding with his son. The series is produced by Anthony Nisi with Robert L. Baird and Andrew Millstein serving as the executive producers. It will premiere on Disney+ on April 13, 2022.
How to Watch Ice Age: Scrat Tales in South Africa | Stream Ice Age: Scart Tales in Disney+
Ice Age: Scrat Tales is set to premiere on April 13, 2022, exclusively on Disney+. The streaming service is widely available in the world competing directly with Netflix and Amazon Prime. If you are located in South Africa and want to watch Ice Age: Scrat Tales on Disney+ then follow these simple steps:
- Get ExpressVPN for Disney+ (30day free trial, 12+3 month free special deal)
- Download it on your preferred device (PC, Mobile or Smart TV)
- Connect to a US IP address from the server list (USA – NewYork)
- Now open Disney Plus on your browser or in-app
- Search Ice Age: Scrat Tales on Disney+ from South Africa
- Enjoy the show
Is Disney+ Accessible in South Africa?
Unfortunately, Disney Plus has not landed in South Africa and a lot of other African nations. This is due to the return on investment, which Disney does not see in any African nations. However Disney is expanding its wings like no other streaming service and we can assure you, by the end of 2022, Disney+ will be available in South Africa.
Can I Get A Dsiney+ Account From South Africa?
Since the streaming giant has not landed in South Africa, getting a Dsiney+ account in South Africa can be a hassle. But don’t worry, with a VPN things become easy and straightforward. Just follow these simple steps to get a Disney+ account in South Africa:
- Get ExpressVPN for Disney+ ($6.67/mo with a 30day free trial)
- Download the VPN app and connect to a US IP address
- Open on your device (PC is preferred)
- Click on Log-in, and sign up
- Enter your name, email address and other details
- Select Paypal as the payment method
- Done
What Else Can I Watch on Disney Plus?
When it comes to content, it looks like Disney Plus is the owner of the entire galaxy. Disney Plus started acquiring studios and content houses in 2009 and now it is the owner of almost every blockbuster movie. Additionally, The Kardashians will stream on Disney Plus, so get the subscription now.
Here is a list of TV shows and movies you should check out on Disney Plus:
- All Marvel Movies
- Star Wars
- Captian American 1
- Death on the Nile
- Modern Family
- This is Us
- Others
Ice Age: Scrat Tales – Trailer
The official YouTube channel of Disney+ released the trailer of Ice Age: Scrat Tales on Mach 29, 2022. The clip shows Scrat searching for his Acorn before chancing upon Baby Scrat in the wood. Their meeting is followed by a delightful montage of the two squirrels having a jolly good time – until the golden Acorn literally rolls by them.
Ice Age: Scrat Tales – Plot
The Disney+ Original web series follows Scrat as he navigates the unchartered territory of fatherhood. Ice Age: Scrat Tales revolve around the experiences of the hapless squirrel and his mischievous young one – the adorable Baby Scrat – as the two begin to create a bond while continuing their fight for the possession of the shiny and cherished Acorn.
The six episodes in the series include Nuts About You, LoFi Scrat Beats to Sleep/Chill to, X’s and Uh-O’s, Nutty Reflections, Teeter Toddler, and Nut The End.
Ice Age: Scrat Tales features the vocal talents of Chris Wedges as Scrat and Karl Wahlgren as Baby Scrat.
Ice Age: Scrat Tales – Release and Reception
Ice Age: Scrat Tales is yet to debut on Disney+. However, its trailer has amassed over 1.1 million views on YouTube in less than six days of its release.
Please visit The Stream Bible for a candid review of the highly anticipated Ice Age: Scrat Tales following its release on April 13, 2022.
Final Word
If you loved the Ice Age franchise then this series is a must-watch for you. We have listed all possible ways to watch Ice Age: Scrat Tales in South Africa. Since Disney+ is not accessible in South Africa, you have to use a VPN to unblock the streaming service in your region or else wait for the series to land on renting platforms like Amazon Video, Apple iTunes, and other stores.