Love Rat is an engaging drama on Channel 5 that centers on a woman who recently divorced and loses all her savings in a fast-paced holiday romance. The show stars Sally Lindsay and Neil Morrissey as Emma and Pete, a couple struggling to split their shared life. Emma’s situation worsens when she takes her first vacation alone to Cyprus and encounters the charming hotel owner, Nico, leading to unforeseen complications.
Here is everything you need to know about Love Rat Episode 1.
Channel 5’s Love Rat Episode 1 Recap
The opening scene of “Love Rat” features Emma settling into her new place after separating from her husband, Pete. When Pete shows up with a giant koala plush they won during their engagement, they begin reminiscing about their past together. Emma shares her plans to vacation in Cyprus, choosing a different hotel to avoid memories of their shared visits.
In Cyprus, Emma feels the novelty and challenge of being alone. At the hotel bar, she’s intrigued by a man reading the same book as her, “Wuthering Heights.” She learns from the bartender that he is Nico Angeli, the hotel’s owner.
That night, Emma encounters Nico again, who introduces himself and gives her his business card. Flattered, Emma checks out his hotel business online. The following morning, they meet again, and Nico invites her on a boat trip to explore hidden beaches, which leads to a day of sightseeing and flirting. During lunch, Emma opens up about her divorce.
Their connection deepens when Nico takes Emma dancing, leading to a candid conversation about his interest in her. Nico confesses his attraction, complimenting her, which culminates in a kiss and them spending the night together.
The next day, after spending the night together, Emma wakes to find Nico has left early, leaving a note explaining he’s gone to call his son, Theo. Later, Nico surprises Emma by blindfolding her and taking her to a stunning villa by the beach, revealing his plans to buy it and asking her to move to Cyprus with him. Overwhelmed but excited, Emma agrees.
When Emma informs her daughter Suzie about her decision, Suzie is shocked and concerned, especially about the financial implications, leading to an argument. Emma’s attempt to share the news with her ex-husband Pete also leaves him secretly saddened, despite his outward encouragement.
Nico then lavishes Emma with gifts and fine dining, but soon reveals a financial snag in purchasing the villa due to a delay in his divorce settlement. Emma, wanting to help, offers €225,000, which Nico hesitantly accepts after she insists and secretly arranges the transfer.
However, Nico misses a dinner where Emma plans to surprise him with the news of the financial help, causing her to worry. He eventually returns drunk, apologizing for his absence. Overjoyed when Emma reveals her financial support, Nico promises to add her name to the villa’s deed, further cementing their plans together.
Love is blind for Emma (@sally_lindsay), whose holiday romance with Niko, a charming hotel proprietor, leads to her losing her life savings 💰 💔
But will she manage to get her money back from her lying lover… 👀
📺 Love Rat. Starts Monday at 9pm on Channel 5 & My5
— Channel 5 (@channel5_tv) March 6, 2024
Their excitement peaks when they receive the villa keys, with the estate agent congratulating them. The discovery that the previous owners left their furniture, explained away by Nico as their move to the US, adds to the whirlwind of new beginnings.
Upon waking up in what she believed was her dream home, Emma is confronted by a couple who claim ownership of the house, stating that her Airbnb rental period has ended. Confused and certain of a misunderstanding, she asserts her recent purchase with Nico, only to find him missing and his contact severed.
Distraught, Emma returns to the hotel to locate Nico, but is met with blank stares; even the bar woman from her first night denies knowledge of him. Her situation worsens when she learns from a child named Theo, whom she believed to be Nico’s son, that he is actually the bar woman’s child and Nico has no connection to them.
Realizing she’s been deceived, Emma rushes to the bank to salvage her transferred funds, only to discover Nico has withdrawn everything and closed his account, leaving her no recourse. Desperate and overwhelmed by the betrayal, she considers going to the police as the reality of her situation sinks in.
Love Rat will air from Monday, March 11, to Thursday, March 14, at 9 pm on Channel 5. All episodes of the series are now available on My5 and Channel 5’s websites. Here is a detailed guide to watch Love Rat.