A little Dilemma for the kiddies and their keepers as Netflix recently decided to shut down a couple of animated kids series, namely Dino daycare by Jeff king and Boons and curses by Jaydeep Hasrajani, both directed by Chris Nee.
Nee tweeted So much love to Jeff King and the incredible Dino Daycare crew. I have no doubt it will find a new home. But right now, hard.”
Dino Daycare was announced as a part of the first slate of animated shows in 2020 supervised by Chris Nee on Netflix. Briefly, the show manifested a world full of dinosaurs and a 6-year-old boy babysitting toddler dinos of all shapes and sizes at a nursery.
Conversely, Boons and Curses was set for 2023 premier conveys a story of a young worrier in the battleground whose body got converted into butter through a curse, and later, he took over an evil ruler. The show got selected as part of a set of titles featuring Asian American creators and supporters.
The final closure of these shows came at the end of a week when Netflix suffered its first net subscriber loss in more than a decade, including a layoff of about 25 people across its marketing operation and later canceling its comedy space force after two seasons.
Sources revealed that the lack of creativity from both shows took them to get scrapped from the platform.
Still, Netflix has the highest number of subscribers and is investing heavily in content development in acquisition. You can watch several anime and cartoon movies like How to Train Your Dragon 3 and Jujutsu Kasine on Netflix.