Candy is an upcoming American series is a crime-drama television show all set to premiere on Hulu. Written by Robin Veith and Nick Antocsa, it is a story of a woman accused of murdering her best friend and her life revolving around it. It is a miniseries based on actual events and a true treat for crime show fans. The show will be airing on Hulu on May 16, 2022, and if you are here to find out how to watch Candy in New Zealand then read on.
How to watch Candy in New Zealand | Stream Candy on Hulu from New Zealand
Candy is an upcoming crime-drama TV show, which will air on Hulu in the US, if you are residing in New Zealand all you need is a Hulu account to stream Candy from New Zealand. Here is how to watch Candy from New Zealand on Hulu:
- Get ExpressVPN for Hulu (12+3 month free special deal)
- Download the VPN app on your device of choice
- Select a US IP address from the list
- Now open on your browser or in-app
- Search Candy on Hulu from New Zealand
- Enjoy the TV show
How to get a Hulu subscription from New Zealand?
At the moment Hulu is not available in New Zealand but you can get a Hulu account with a VPN from New Zealand. Just follow these steps:
- Get ExpressVPN (12+3 month free special deal with a 30day money-back guarantee)
- Download the VPN app and connect to a US server (USA – NewYork)
- Get a Hulu gift card from Mygiftcardsupply [cost is around $25]
- You will get the Hulu code on your email
- Open Hulu and redeem the gift card code or click here
- Select your Hulu streaming plan & use zip code (91942,91945). You can google other zip codes, Hulu does not verify.
- Open and watch Candy on Hulu from New Zealand
Candy- Trailer
Candy- The Plot.
The show stars Jessica Biel, playing the role of the real-life Candy, with her best friend (in the drama), Betty Gore, played by Melanie Lynskey. The series’ story revolves around the actual murder of Betty Gore, who was a school teacher in 1980 Texas.
She was brutally murdered by her best friend Candy, who was involved in an extra-marital affair with Betty’s husband, Allan Gore, played by Pablo Schreiber. When Betty tries to confront Candy, she ends up dead.
However, the real suspense here is whether the accused of murdering Candy was the culprit or not, according to the actual events. The show also focuses on Candy’s mental health and relationships. Therefore, the series demonstrates both Candy’s versions of events while keeping the audience connected to what happened in the real story.
What else can you watch on Hulu from New Zealand?
With almost 45 million subscribers, Hulu is one of the best content producers in the world. the streaming giant has developed a reputation as a premium content producer in the US and all over the world. Here is a list of movies and TV shows you should check out on Hulu:
- Dragons: The Nine Realms
- The Kardashians in Australia
- The Girl from Plainville
- Maid Sama
- Woke Season 02
- Under the banner of Heaven
- Deep Water
- Modren Family Season 11
- Fresh
- Life and Beth
- Others
Candy- The Reviews.
While the ratings are yet to come, the show’s trailer has received massive praise from the viewers and critics, thus becoming one of the most anticipated shows in the current year.
Read more: How to watch Candy (2022) in Canada on Hulu
Candy(2022)- Cast
- Jessica Biel as Candy Montgomery
- Melanie Lynskey as Betty Gore
- Pablo Schreiber as Allan Gore
- Timothy Simons as Pat Montgomery
- Raúl Esparza
- Others
Wrap Up
If you are looking for a true-crime story from the 80s, then Candy is for you! While the show focuses on the killing of Betty, it also sheds light upon some natural societal factors that are mostly brushed under the carpet among the majority of happy-looking families. You can watch Candy on Hulu from New Zealand with a VPN.