Did you like Mr. Robot? Here is a list of TV shows similar to Mr. Robot

TV shows similar to Mr. Robot

If you’ve been enthralled by the hacktivist adventures of Elliot Alderson in “Mr. Robot,” you may be on the hunt for similar shows that capture the allure of the cyber realm while also delving into the complexities of human nature.

Here is a list of a few shows that blend the technological with the psychological, just like “Mr. Robot.”

1- Black Mirror

Every episode of 'Black Mirror' ranked on how bleak it is | Mashable

Rating: 8.8/10 (IMDb); 83% (Rotten Tomatoes)

A masterful anthology of future shock and tech-fueled anxiety, “Black Mirror” is a must-watch for fans of “Mr. Robot.” Each standalone episode explores a potential future or parallel universe where technology has run amok. Its thought-provoking narratives often leave the viewer questioning our increasingly interconnected world’s existential and ethical dilemmas.

2- Person of Interest

Rating: 8.4/10 (IMDb); 92% (Rotten Tomatoes)

“Person of Interest,” from the mind of Jonathan Nolan, revolves around a mysterious billionaire and a former CIA operative who use a super-advanced AI to prevent violent crimes before they happen. If you appreciated the high-tech paranoia in “Mr. Robot,” you’ll likely find a similar appeal in this thriller that also questions our relationship with technology and surveillance.

3- Halt and Catch Fire

How 'Halt and Catch Fire' Evolved Into Prestige TV's Only Worthy Successor - The Ringer

Rating: 8.4/10 (IMDb); 90% (Rotten Tomatoes)

“Halt and Catch Fire” is a captivating period drama set during the 1980s personal computing boom. It captures the human drama and competitive frenzy of the tech industry’s early days. This series doesn’t deal with hacking like “Mr. Robot,” but it does delve deep into the birth of the digital age and the people who helped shape it.

4- Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley: the best and only comedy you should be watching | TV comedy | The Guardian

Rating: 8.5/10 (IMDb); 94% (Rotten Tomatoes)

While “Silicon Valley” is a comedy, it shares “Mr. Robot’s” deep interest in technology’s inner workings. The series follows a group of young software developers as they navigate the challenges of launching a startup in the cutthroat tech industry. Its satirical take on the tech world, coupled with its technological authenticity, makes it a worthy watch.

5- Westworld

Westworld' Is Turning Into 'Lost'—for Better or for Worse | WIRED

Rating: 8.6/10 (IMDb); 82% (Rotten Tomatoes)

Another brainchild of Jonathan Nolan, “Westworld” is a sci-fi thriller that explores the dawn of artificial consciousness and the moral implications of creating life. It delves into themes like the nature of reality, control, and manipulation, much like “Mr. Robot.”

Wrap Up

These shows, like “Mr. Robot,” portray technology not just as a tool, but as an influential entity shaping our realities. They raise poignant questions about human nature, ethics, and the blurred boundaries of our digital age. Happy watching!

Written by Mickel Clark

Mickel is a streaming aficionado who loves nothing more than to pen down his thoughts about the movies, anime and TV shows he has watched and likes sharing hacks on how to stream them online.